First off, thank you for finding us, and taking the time to get to know us. Lashes-n-Kurls is not new, it is a spinoff of LK Design and Photography Studio in Reedsburg, WI. The same people that photograph for LK Design photograph for Lashes-n-Kurls.
Why the name change? We felt that the boudoir side of our small studio was taking off in a big way, and that it was finally strong enough to stand on its own. One of our big goals with the name change is to more actively promote boudoir, both in instructing the public on what it is, and to bring more clients through our doors. With the spinoff of the name, we are able to create new packages, prices, and cater to our clientele that was hard if not impossible to do as a part of LK Design.
Why Lashes-n-Kurls? We chose this name, because you are beautiful, you are unique, all the way to your lashes and kurls. We thought this was a fun name, and that the name has a bounce to it. We are a small studio, but our biggest focus is on you, to make sure that you have fun, and to produce a simulate that same bounce when you look at your photos. We make you leave the studio feeling beautiful and hot. Even more beautiful than you thought possible. That’s our job, and we like to think we are pretty good at it.
Are you new to boudoir? Did you stumble on this page or our name but aren’t quite sure what we do? Boudoir is an intimate form of photography. We do this in our small studio, typically it will be you, the photographer, and an assistant. All of our photographers and assistants are female to make things more comfortable for you, and all of our photographers are highly trained. Boudoir has gotten a reputation of being like pornogrphy, and although we will photograph you nude if you request it, boudoir is more of an implied art, with implied nudity, and we capture the female body in it’s natural state. We want the photographs to be fun, and therefore you will set the pace as to how revealing your want your photographs to be.
Still have questions? Feel free to call us or stop by the studio, and one of our photographers will answer any and all questions you have about this fun flirty photography session.